Monday, July 12, 2010

What is a Concierge for Moms?

I have been getting this question a lot recently and I want to better explain myself. Being a mother I understand that time management can quickly go haywire. Moms have lots of things to do and get done and sometimes do not have time to worry about them, let alone time to actually do them. So I started this business to help all those mothers that need a third arm or 10 more hours in the day.
So, what sorts of tasks can I help with? I am here to plan, research, and make all of your arrangements you need. That can be picking up the children from school and dropping them off, picking up groceries, planning "date night", research vacation ideas, planning dinner parties, birthday parties, anytype of party you would like.  Also, if you have a new bundle of joy on the way I can help with the organization and putting the babies room together.
Think of me as your personal concierge that will get your obligations done and with a touch of class!

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