Thursday, July 22, 2010

Is Craigslist safe?

CraigslistImage via Wikipedia
I grew up in the time where craigslist was a home to predetors and money scams.  For rentals or buying things I always am sceptical.  I also had the opinion that the jobs posted were all scams.  When I moved here from Miami everyone reassured me that craigslist was the place to go for a rental, baby gear, and more. So, slowly I have started to warm up to the idea of checking for things on craigslist until now.  I have been using craigslist this week to check for apartments in DC and sure enough I found one that looked ans sounded perfect. It had pictures, an address, and an actual email to respond to. So I sent an email I was interested and if I could come check it out.  Wouldn't you know it, I get an email telling me he is a priest(like that makes him more believable) and he went on a tour in Africa, but the apartment is beautiful and his wife who is vacationing in the cayman islands will take care of all payments, etc. Oh, I do not need to see it, the pictures show it all.  I can move in right away, as well, I just need to send the money asap.

So I sit back at my computer and think to myself, "is this guy serious????"  I know it is only one time but the time and effort it takes to search through all those listings and finally think you might have something, is tiring!  I might have sheltered growing up and like things a certain way but this just feels dirty.  It just reassured me that it is better to get an agent.  To me it is to easy for people to scam you.  I would rather be safe and go to stores to buy things, use real estate agent to find proprieties, and use professionals for other services.
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